Creating Job Ready Sites

The Detroit region is world renowned for our innovation and high-tech manufacturing, together let’s prepare our region for the jobs of the future.

To support a thriving regional economy, it is essential to maintain a diverse inventory of land that is ready for development. The Detroit Regional Partnership (DRP) is committed to collaborating with interested communities to create good paying jobs by increasing the availability of development-ready land for the next generation of manufacturing. 

The Creating Job Ready Sites initiative works with municipalities that want to rezone 100 acres or more of land in their communities to industrial or technology/research zoning classifications to attract companies in the manufacturing and technology sectors. 


  • Economic Growth: Rezoning land for employment can significantly boost a local economy. Research and industrial facilities create jobs, attract new businesses, support local small businesses, and increase tax revenue. This can lead to better services for residents, including additional funding for schools and public services. 
  • Modern Industrial Development: Modern industrial development is significantly cleaner than in the past, with advanced technologies and stricter regulations that can minimize environmental impact.
  • Diversification of the Economy: Diversification can help sustain a local economy. By expanding into more industries, a community can gain increased economic resilience and stability. 

Creating Job Ready Sites Process

The Detroit Regional Partnership has assembled a team of experts to assist in the process, ensuring a best-in-class program as the Detroit region competes to attract companies to our 11-county region.

1. Comprehensive Site Selection: DRP is conducting a region-wide search to identify properties that are not currently zoned for industrial use but have the potential to attract jobs and investment to the community.  

Sites will be prioritized based on:

  • Size
  • Location
  • Development Potential
  • Support of local municipality
  • Alignment with regional economic development projects

2. Community Outreach: DRP is working with local Economic Development Organizations (EDO’s) and municipalities that are interested in rezoning over 100 acres of land for job creation.

3. Funding: As a community with a potential development site, we offer Verified Industrial Properties (VIP) by DRP to prepare land for development. DRP funds the research to create a comprehensive desktop due diligence report, utilizing our engineers to conduct the study. There are two additional levels of support“Physical Site Studies” offers a more detailed on the ground testing and analysis. The third level, “Project Support,” comes into play once the community identifies a desired project, with DRP providing an additional $100,000 in support.

Desktop Due Diligence

Est. $16,000 Value

A comprehensive initial assessment of the property, including verified utility information and an in-depth site condition analysis.

Physical Site Studies

Est. $100,000 Value

Engineers conduct a series of physical site studies in order to provide a complete marketing package for prospective buyers.

Project Support

Est. $100,000 Value

Once selected for a project, buyers may receive funds for additional studies and site plans to ensure they are ready for development.

Together, these three levels help ready the site by shortening the decision process, expanding visibility, and breaking down barriers that have historically hindered potential projects. 

For more details on the three levels of site support, please visit VIP by DRP for Site Owners page. 

If your community is interested in the program, please email

Greg Holman at

for more information.  

Program Contact

Verified Industrial Properties program contact photo
Shannon Selby

Vice President of Real Estate