Crossroads Distribution Center North 2
Haggerty Road and Van Born Road
Van Buren Charter Township, MI 48111
Property Description
The Crossroads Distribution Center North site is 175 acres of mostly vacant and undeveloped land intended for industrial development. The site is part of the larger Crossroads Distribution Center development, with completed development to the south. The site is located in the I-275 industrial corridor with easy access to multiple interstates, Willow Run Airport, Detroit Metro Airport, and a large talent pool.
In 2023, the site underwent a comprehensive due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).
Zoning and Land Use
Zoning: M-T (Industrial Transportation); M-1 (Light Industrial); R-1B (Single Family Residential)
Current Land Use: Undeveloped land planned for industrial development. Land was previously used for agricultural activities.
Future Land Use: Industrial development
Site Conditions
Greenfield or Brownfield: Greenfield
Above ground structures:
- Existing single-family home with an attached garage in parcel 83-005-01-0019-002 on Haggerty Road
- Existing single-family home in parcel 83-005-01-0020-300 on Haggerty Road
- Overhead electrical lines run north and south on the east side of the site along Haggerty Rd
- Part of the forebay and detention pond constructed for the Crossroads North development to the south is located at the southwest corner of the property
Floodplain: No 100-year or 500-year floodplains on site
Wetlands: Pockets of wetlands are located throughout western and southern portions of the site, ranging in size of approximately 0.15 to 4.3 acres, and total approximately 16 acres
Topographic Elevation: Site elevations generally stay between 670 feet and 675 feet above sea level
Soil Types:
- Blount loam, Erie-Huron Lake Plain, 0 to 2 percent slopes (49.7%)
- Pewamo loam (25.9%)
- Metamora sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes (12.2%)
- Corunna fine sandy loam (11.4%)
- Power lines run across the site in various locations. DTE Overhead Electric easements for the power lines are assumed.
- An easement for the Bell Drain is assumed.
T&E Species: The property is located in Region 3 (Midwest) of the US Fish & Wildlife Service Threatened and Endangered Species Listings
Archaeological & Cultural Resources: The EDR NEPASearch Map Report did not identify any listings within a one-mile radius of the subject site
Provider: DTE Energy
Current Service: Property can be served from multiple locations
Assumed Demand: 10 MW 3-phase electric
Recommendations: Coordination with DTE and contractors to complete line connections and interior line installations to serve the site facilities will be required and should be included as early in the process as possible
Natural Gas
Provider: DTE Energy
Current Service: Gas marker symbols in the provided topographic survey indicate natural gas lines along the south side of Van Born Road and parts of Haggerty Road
Assumed Demand: 17 peak MCFH
Recommendations: Verify the development demand and available supply in the conceptual phase or as early as possible in the project development timeline
Provider: Van Buren Township Water & Sewer Department; Great Lakes Water Authority
Current Service: Water main along the south side of Van Born Road and along
the west side of Haggerty Road. Haggerty Road Improvements will include new 16 inch watermain along Haggerty Road.
Assumed Demand: 150,000 GPD
Recommendations: Coordinate with the township on the status of the Haggerty Road water main improvements
Provider: Van Buren Township Water & Sewer Department
Current Service: 24″ sanitary sewer lines running along the south side of Van Born Road and along the east side of Haggerty Road
Assumed Demand: 100,000 GPD
Recommendations: Verify the capacity is available with Van Buren Township at the time of planning the development
Workforce Data
30-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Active Workforce
60-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Active Workforce
Proximity to Highways
Site access on Haggerty & Van Born Roads
0.5 miles to I-275
2.5 miles to I-94
Proximity to Rail
Class I, Norfolk Southern railroad 800 feet north of the site
3 miles to CSX Wayne railyard
Proximity to Airports
3.5 miles to Willow Run Airport (Ypsilanti, MI)
7 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)
Document Library
Tier-1 Site Due Diligence Report
Site Maps
Marketing Flyer
Demographic & Business Data
Workforce Profile
Regional Overview