Dort Highway Industrial Land
S. Dort Highway
Grand Blanc Township, MI 48439
Property Description
The Dort Highway Industrial Site is 20 acres of vacant land located in Grand Blanc Township in Genesee County, Michigan, just south of Flint, MI with a workforce of over two million within a 60-minute drive time. The site is 2 miles from I-75, 9 miles from Bishop International Airport, and there are no wetlands or floodplains on the site.
In 2022, the site underwent a comprehensive due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).
Zoning and Land Use
Zoning: I-2, General Industrial
Current Land Use: Vacant General Industrial property
Future Land Use: The site is zoned for an industrial user, and no changes are anticipated.
Site Conditions
Greenfield or Brownfield: Brownfield/ RACER has a $528,000 budget to clean up the site through the oversight of the U.S. EPA.
Above ground structures: None
Floodplain: No 100-year floodplain or 500-year floodplain
Wetlands: There are no mapped wetlands on the site
Topographic Elevation: Site elevations range from 836 (Northeast) to 822 (Southwest)
Soil Types: Udorthents and Udipsamments (EtmaaE), 0 to 30 percent slopes; Conover loam (CvB), 0 to 4 percent slopes
- Sewer Easement over east corner of the Site granted to GM
- Investigations regarding Title are necessary to better understand encroachments on the Site
T&E Species: Indiana Bat
Archaeological & Cultural Resources: At present, there are no previously recorded architectural properties nor archaeological sites within 1 mile surrounding the site
Provider: Consumers Energy
Current Service: 138 kV systems are located west of S. Dort Highway and directly south of the site, 138 kV substation is located directly south of the site, 46 kV system is located west of S. Dort Highway
Assumed Demand: 2 MW
Recommendations: 2 MW assumed demand baseline can be met with existing service
Natural Gas
Provider: Consumers Energy
Current Service: 4-inch medium-capacity gas main with MAOP of 60 psig is available along S. Dort Highway and Gibson Road
Assumed Demand: 9 MCFH (peak)
Recommendations: None
Provider: Grand Blanc Township
Current Service: No existing water service to the site, 12″ water main located on the west side of S. Dort Highway
Assumed Demand: 50,000 GPD
Recommendations: Water service connection across S. Dort Highway
Provider: Grand Blanc Township
Current Service: None
Assumed Demand: 40,000 GPD
Recommendations: 12-inch sanitary sewer extension (1,250’) to the property from the south side of Kohl’s shopping center or the Closed GM facility and survey of existing sanitary sewer infrastructure is necessary to determine the necessity of a lift station.
Workforce Data
30-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
60-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Proximity to Highways
Adjacent to Dort Highway (M-54)
2 miles to I-75 S. Dort Hwy. interchange
2 miles to I-475 Hill Rd. interchange
Proximity to Rail
No rail on site
0.5 miles to Class I CSX Railroad
0.5 miles to CSX rail yard
Proximity to Airports
9.5 miles to Bishop International Airport (Flint, MI)
75 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)
Document Library
Tier-1 Site Due Diligence Report
Site Maps
Demographic & Business Data
Workforce Profile
Marketing Flyer
Regional Overview
Site Contacts
Site Representative
Steven Black
Transaction and Operations Manager
Phone: 989-415-9950
Local Contact
Tyler Rossmaessler
Director of Economic Development
Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance
Phone: 810-600-1433
Program Contact
Shannon Selby
Vice President of Real Estate