Genesee Industrial Land
E. Stanley Road
Mount Morris, MI 48458
Property Description
The Genesee Industrial Land site is 80.35 acres of vacant land with road frontage on E. Stanley Rd, a Class A road resurfaced in 2022. The site is less than one mile from N. Saginaw Road and I-475, bordered by Lake State Railway to the west, and only 10 miles from Bishop International Airport. Just north of Flint, this location offers easy access to major highways and airports, major universities, several community colleges and countless other metropolitan amenities.
In 2021 the site underwent a comprehensive Tier 1 due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).
Zoning and Land Use
Zoning: Charter Township of Genesee: I-1, Light Industrial
City of Mt. Morris: RC, Mobile Home Park
Current Land Use: Vacant Land
Future Land Use: There are no planned zoning changes
Site Conditions
Greenfield or Brownfield: Greenfield
Above ground structures: None
Floodplain: No 100-year floodplain or 500-year floodplain on-site
Wetlands: Mapped wetlands cover portions of the Site located north of the Consumers Energy property
Topographic Elevation: Elevations range from 764 (northwest corner of the Site) to 794 (north line of the Site)
Soil Types: Spinks-Oakville loamy sands (SvB), 2 to 6 percent slopes; Udorthents and Updipsamments (EtmaaE), 0 to 30 percent slopes; Carlisle Muck (CarabA), 0 to 2 percent slopes
Easements: There is an existing Access Easement across the land owned by Consumers Energy between Parcel ID 25-11-07-200-035 and Parcel ID 25-11-07-400-016, investigations regarding Title are necessary to better understand encroachments on the site
T&E Species: There are no migratory birds, historic trees, or protected plants or vegetation on the site, but there is one endangered species, the Indiana Bat
Archaeological & Cultural Resources: At present there are two architectural properties located within one mile surrounding the project site and neither property is located within or adjacent to the project site
Provider: Consumers Energy
Current Service: Site is not currently served, 46 kV or 138 kV systems bisecting and adjacent to the site can provide 5 MW capacity upgrades
Assumed Demand: 5 MW
Recommendations: Facilities will be sized to meet the energy needs of the customer and available system capacity determined at the time of a specific request
Natural Gas
Provider: Consumers Energy
Current Service: No existing service into the site, 6” medium-capacity gas main with MAOP of 60 psig is available along E. Stanley Road
Assumed Demand: 13 MCFH (peak)
Recommendations: None
Provider: Genesee Township
Current Service: No existing service, bu the 16” water main along S. Dort Highway is anticipated to have sufficient capacity with a water main extension along E. Stanley Road
Assumed Demand: 100,000 GPD
Recommendations: None
Provider: Genesee Township
Current Service: No current service to site, 8” sanitary sewer along north side of E. Stanley Road
Assumed Demand: 75,000 GPD
Recommendations: Further investigation is needed on the capacity of the 8” sanitary sewer along E. Stanley Road
Workforce Data
30-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
60-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Proximity to Highways
Site Access on E. Stanley Road (Class A road resurfaced in 2022)
1 mile to I-475 interchange
Proximity to Rail
Site is adjacent to Class 2 Lake State Railway
Site is adjacent to McGrew Yard
Proximity to Airports
10 miles to Bishop International Airport (Flint, MI)
88 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)
Document Library
Tier-1 Site Due Diligence Report
Site Maps
RACER Trust Marketing Brochure
Demographic & Business Data
Workforce Profile
Regional Overview
Site Contacts
Site Ownership
Steven Black
Transaction and Operations Manager
Phone: 989-415-9950
Local Contact
Tyler Rossmaessler
Executive Director
Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance
Phone: 810-600-1433
Program Contact
Shannon Selby
Vice President of Real Estate