Innovation Interchange Technology & Industrial Park
I-96 & Latson Road Interchange
Howell, MI 48843
150-acre potential future expansion
Property Description
This 177-acre property (potential future 150-acre expansion) is located in Genoa Township with direct access to the Latson Road interchange at I-96 and a CSX Railroad line runs across the northern border of the property. The property is zoned Campus Planned Unit Development (CAPUD), permitting R&D, light industrial, medical and office. Located in the heart of Livingston County, the site is just 6 miles from US-23, 16 miles from Oakland County, 22 miles from Ann Arbor, and 25 miles to Lansing. A large, 30+ foot high monument sign is being placed on I-96 at the Latson Road interchange, which will feature the name and logo of prime tenants in the Innovation Park.
In 2023, the site underwent a comprehensive due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).
Zoning and Land Use
Zoning: CAPUD – Campus Planned Unit Development
Current Land Use: Approximately 90% of available land is cropland with a few homes and vacant residential parcels
Future Land Use: Technology & Industrial Park: extensive list of permitted uses
Site Conditions
Greenfield or Brownfield: Greenfield
Above ground structures: Single family homes and associated outbuildings on some parcels. Fences along property boundaries.
Floodplain: No 100-year or 500-year floodplains on site
- 2 freshwater emergent wetlands identified on site, covering approximately 2.4 acres total
- Portions of 3 freshwater forested wetlands are identified on site, covering approximately 26.7 acres
Topographic Elevation:
- Elevations of 1000 ft along the CSX rail line in the north
- Elevations of 940 ft along the Marion Genoa Drain
- Elevations of 980 ft along Crooked Lake Road
Soil Types:
- MoB – Wawasee loam (57.7% coverage), well drained, Group C
- MoD – Miami loam (11.2% coverage), well drained, Group C
- CarabA – Carlisle muck (6.6% coverage), very poorly drained, Group A/D
- FoB – Fox sandy loam (6.0% coverage), well drained, Group C
- BwA – Bronson loamy sand (4.4% coverage), well drained, Group B/D
- MnB – Metea loamy sand (4.1% coverage), well drained, Group C
- CvraB – Conover loam (3.9% coverage), somewhat poorly drained, Group C/D
- Gd – Gilford sandy loam (2.2% coverage), poorly drained, Group A/D
- OmB – Owosso-Miami sandy loams (2.2% coverage), well drained, Group C
- By – Brookston loam (1.7% coverage), poorly drained, Group C/D
- 66’ wide private road easement and 75’ radius private road easement for Clover Bend Court
- 12’ wide Detroit Edison Easement along Clover Bend Court
- 10’x10’ Drainage Easement along Latson Road south of Sweet Road
- 25’ Wide Utility/Path Easement along Latson Road south of Sweet Road
T&E Species: Site has been previously logged/cleared, potential for presence of federally protected species is low
Archaeological & Cultural Resources: No known mapped or unmapped sites were found in Environmental Database Report (EDR) search of available government records within the search radius around the target property at the time of search
Provider: DTE Energy
Current Service: All areas are adjacent to the existing distribution network. Connection and supply up to 4 MW possible within 12 months.
Assumed Demand: 15 MW
Recommendations: Supply beyond 4 MW will require an industrial substation and up to 30 months lead time. All facilities will be sized to meet the electric needs of the customer, early coordination with Detroit Edison will be necessary for loads above the capacity of the existing distribution network.
Natural Gas
Provider: Consumers Energy
Current Service: Medium capacity distribution mains along Beck and Crooked Lake roads with up to 20 psig delivery pressure. A 36-inch high capacity gas main adjacent to the site along Latson Road.
Assumed Demand: 26 MCFH
Recommendations: All Consumers Energy natural gas facilities will be sized to meet the needs of the customer
Provider: Marion Howell Oceola Genoa (MHOG) Water
Current Service: (2) 12” mains have recently been installed across I-96 to the subject site
Assumed Demand: 300,000 GPD
Recommendations: Additional water studies and coordination with local utility provider and Genoa Charter Township as the site is developed
Provider: Genoa Oceola (GO) Sewer
Current Service: A sanitary force main has been installed across I-96 to the subject site
Assumed Demand: 200,000 GPD
Recommendations: Conduct additional sanitary studies and coordinate with local utility provider and Genoa Charter Township as the site is developed
Workforce Data
30-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Active Workforce
60-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Active Workforce
Proximity to Highways
Latson Road adjacent to the site
100 yards to the I-96 interchange
Proximity to Rail
CSX adjacent to site
22 miles to CSX yard in Wixom
Potential for on-site spur
Proximity to Airports
36 miles to Bishop International Airport (Flint, MI)
49 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)
Document Library
Tier-1 Site Due Diligence Report
Site Maps
Marketing Flyer
Demographic & Business Data
Workforce Profile
Regional Overview