LAC Site
Sterns Road & Dixie Highway
Erie, MI 48133
Property Description
The LAC Site is 140.42 acres of vacant land located in Bedford Township and Erie Township in Monroe County, Michigan, just north of Toledo, Ohio with a workforce of 1,469,211 within a 60-minute drive time. The site is 2.7 miles from I-75 and has direct access to CSX transportation with the potential for an on-site spur. In 2022 the site underwent a comprehensive Tier 1 due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).
Zoning and Land Use
Zoning: Bedford Township: General Industrial; Erie Township: Light Industrial
Current Land Use: Agricultural
Future Land Use: The site is zoned for an industrial user, and no changes are anticipated.
Site Conditions
Greenfield or Brownfield: Greenfield
Above ground structures: None
Floodplain: 100-year floodplain and 500-year floodplain cover a relatively small portion of the site adjacent to the Hooper Run Drain
Wetlands: There are no mapped wetlands on the site. It is anticipated that the Hooper Run Drain is a state regulated stream with
contiguous wetlands along the banks.
Topographic Elevation: Site elevations range between 583’ and 596’
Soil Types: Lenawee Silty Clay Loam and Del Rey Silt loam
- Monroe County Drain Easement
T&E Species: There are no endangered species, migratory birds, or protected plants or vegetation on the site
Archaeological & Cultural Resources: At present, there are no previously recorded architectural properties nor archaeological sites within 1 mile surrounding the site
Provider: Consumers Energy
Current Service: Existing distribution line on Dixie Highway and substation located across from the site on Sterns Road
Assumed Demand: 10 MW
Recommendations: 10 MW assumed demand baseline could be met with service from the existing 46 kV substation north of Sterns Road
Natural Gas
Provider: Michigan Gas Utilities
Current Service: Existing 4 inch medium pressure gas lines along Sterns Road and Dixie Highway
Assumed Demand: 10,000 mcf/month
Recommendations: The capacity of the existing natural gas infrastructure should be sufficient for a potential development’s assumed demand
Provider: South County Water System
Current Service: 20-inch water main along Dixie Highway and 6-inch main along Sterns Road
Assumed Demand: 150,000 GPD
Recommendations:Existing infrastructure can meet the assumed baseline demand
Provider: Monroe County Drain Commissioner
Current Service: Existing 12-inch sanitary sewer on Dixie Highway. An agreement is in place with Bedford Twp to extend the sanitary sewer to Benore Road.
Assumed Demand: 100,000 GPD
Recommendations: A lift station would most likely be required to extend the sanitary sewer to the north and further sanitary sewer design is recommended
Workforce Data
30-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
60-Minute Drive
Total Businesses
Proximity to Highways
Site Access on Sterns Road & Dixie Highway
2.7 miles to I-75 northbound access
3.5 miles to I-75 southbound access
Proximity to Rail
CSX Transportation bordering the west side of the property with potential for an on-site spur
Toledo rail yard – 8 miles
Proximity to Airports
38.4 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)
Document Library
Tier-1 Site Due Diligence Report
Site Maps
Demographic & Business Data
Workforce Profile
Marketing Flyer
Regional Overview
Site Contacts
Site Representative
Keenan Fields, SIOR
Signature Associates
Phone: 419-290-8334
Local Contact
Tim Lake
President & Chief Executive Officer
Monroe County Business Development Corp.
Phone: 734-241-8081
Program Contact
Shannon Selby
Vice President of Real Estate