McLouth Steel Site

1491 W Jefferson Avenue

Trenton, MI 48183

















Marketing Flyer


Property Description

This is a 260 acre site is located within the City of Trenton and the City of Riverview in Wayne County, Michigan. The site is zoned for industrial use, with the northern 76 acres actively being redeveloped consistent with the remainder of the McLouth site. The site has plentiful access to the shipping channel of the Detroit River, multiple rail providers, and all season roadways.

In 2024, the site underwent a comprehensive due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).

Zoning and Land Use


  • City of Trenton – W-R, Waterfront Revitalization
  • City of Riverview – M-2, General Industrial

Current Land Use: Vacant Land; former steel mill and associated infrastructure

Future Land Use: Industrial development

Site Conditions

Greenfield or Brownfield: Brownfield

Above ground structures: All above-ground structures have been demolished, except;

  • A pumphouse in the southeast corner of the site along the water’s edge.
  • Existing railroad tracks can be found on-site, unknown condition.
  • Some fencing on-site is still standing.

Floodplain: No 100-year or 500-year floodplain on-site

Wetlands: No mapped wetlands on-site

Topographic Elevation: Average elevation of the site is approximately 590, elevations along the north, south, and east fringes of the property tend to be closer to 580

Soil Types:

  • Cu – Cut and fill land
  • BfA – Blount loam, Erie-Huron Lake Plain, 0-2 percent slopes
  • Pe – Pewamo loam


  • A 20’ drain easement is located in the southwest corner of the site
  • A 16’ easement, previously vacation of Sibley Road, reserved for utility purposes runs collinear with exiting Sibley Road across the site
  • A drain easement for Huntington Creek cuts off the north edge of the site

T&E Species: The full list of species can be found in the due diligence report; species listed may be located but have not yet been identified on the site

Archaeological & Cultural Resources: Two historic sites found within a mile radius at time of search


electric utilities icon


Provider: DTE Energy

Current Service: Up to 4MVA is available on the existing distribution system

Assumed Demand: 15 MW

Recommendations: Line extension and industrial substation are long lead items; early coordination with DTE and railroad recommended


gas utilities icon

Natural Gas

Provider: DTE Energy

Current Service: 

  • 8” 10# distribution main on Sibley
  • 24” 150# sub-transmission on Fort
  • 6” 10# service on West Jefferson

Assumed Demand: 26 peak MCFH

Recommendations: None


water utility icon


Provider: City of Trenton

Current Service: Existing 10” main near intersection of W Jefferson Ave and King Rd, becoming an 8” main North of King Rd

Assumed Demand: 300,000 GPD

Recommendations: Coordinate with the City of Trenton to provide a new service to the site during the proposed main replacement project. The main servicing the site is cast iron constructed in 1946.

sewer utility icon


Provider: City of Trenton

Current Service:

  • 21” sanitary sewer main on the east side of W Jefferson Ave
  • 12” lateral runs to the south of the site on the north side of King Rd
  • 12” lateral connects to the site approximately 0.4 miles north of Jefferson and King

Assumed Demand: 200,000 GPD

Recommendations: None

Workforce Data

30-Minute Drive




Total Businesses


Active Workforce

60-Minute Drive




Total Businesses


Active Workforce


Proximity to Highways

Site access on W Jefferson Ave, a Class A, all-season road

1 mile to M-85

4 miles to I-75

Proximity to Rail

Class 1 railroad adjacent to the site, via 3 providers

2 rail yards within 2 miles

Intermodal service in Detroit

Proximity to Airports

15 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)

Document Library

Desktop Due Diligence Report

Site Maps

Marketing Flyer

Demographic & Business Data

Workforce Profile

Regional Overview

Site Contacts

Site Contact

Jason Crawford

Crown Enterprises, LLC


Phone: (586) 467-1711

Program Contact

Verified Industrial Properties program contact photo
Shannon Selby

Vice President of Real Estate