Mill Street

Manufacturing & Warehousing District

205 Mill Street

Ecorse, MI 48229














Light Industrial


Marketing Flyer


Property Description

Mill Street Manufacturing and Warehousing District is a 66-acre site that is zoned light industrial and has been fast-tracked for development in Ecorse, Michigan. The site is located halfway between Chicago, IL and Toronto, Canada, and is part of the Detroit Regional Area. The site is less than three miles to I-75, seven miles to the future Gordie Howe International Bridge, nine miles to the Ambassador Bridge, and 10 miles to Detroit Metro Airport. Conrail and Canadian National Railways both run adjacent on the East side of the site. The City of Ecorse has completed the construction of a direct truck route providing access to the site by Midway Street to M-39 (Southfield Freeway). Concrete abatement is scheduled to be completed in December 2024.

In 2022 the site underwent a comprehensive due diligence review through the VIP program, including a detailed site condition analysis, comprehensive information on utility providers and capacity, and a comprehensive report on site details (full report in the document library below).

Zoning and Land Use

Zoning: Light Industrial

Current Land Use: Vacant Land, the site was formerly a steel plant

Future Land Use: No planned zoning changes

Site Conditions

Greenfield or Brownfield: Brownfield

Above ground structures: The majority of the structures associated with the former steel plant were demolished in the early 2000s with several smaller structures, concrete slabs, fences, and walls being left in place at that time. Demolition of the remaining structures was bid out in May 2022. Representatives for the City of Ecorse reported that all aboveground nonhazardous material has been removed from the Site as of December 2022.

Floodplain: 100-year floodplain and 500-year floodplain along the Ecorse River

Wetlands: There are no mapped wetlands on the Site

Topographic Elevation: Site elevations range between 575’ and 588’, majority of the site lies between 580′-583′

Soil Types:

  • Anthroportic Udorthents (EtmaeA), 0 to 2 percent slopes – This soil is in deltas and till floored lake plains
  • Urban land-Riverfront complex (UrbarB), 0 to 4 percent slopes – This soil is 80% urban land and 20% Loamy human-transported material over clayey lodgment till


  • 30-foot-wide access easement to the Lincoln Park Retention Treatment Basin
  • Wayne County Drain Right of Way over the Ecorse River (North Branch Ecorse Creek Drain), along the south and west line of the Site

T&E Species: Contact the MI Wildlife Management Office in Southfield, MI prior to site development

Archaeological & Cultural Resources: If any federal funding or permitting is involved in the development of the project Site, a Phase I cultural resources survey may be required by the SHPO


electric utilities icon


Provider: DTE Energy

Current Service: Property currently not served. 4.8 kV aerial system on south side of Mill Street, 40 kV underground system on north side of Mill Street, and 120 kV aerial system on east and south side of Site to CSO Facility

Assumed Demand: 5 MW

Recommendations: N/A


gas utilities icon

Natural Gas

Provider: DTE Energy

Current Service: No existing service to the site. 6” medium-capacity gas main with MAOP of 35 psig is available on the north
side of Mill Street between 9th Street and 5th Street. 12” high-capacity gas main with MOAP of 45 psig is available on the north side of Mill Street between 4th Street and W. Jefferson Avenue.

Assumed Demand: 13 MCFH

Recommendations: N/A


water utility icon


Provider: City of Ecorse

Current Service: 6″ and 12″ parallel water main along Mill Street

Assumed Demand: 100,000 GPD

Recommendations: Further correspondence with the City regarding the timing, utility capacity, and funding of the Mill Street reconstruction project is recommended


sewer utility icon


Provider: City of Ecorse

Current Service: 12”-18” sanitary sewer on the Site, parallel with Mill Street (approximately 150 feet offset southerly from centerline)

Assumed Demand: 75,000 GPD

Recommendations: Further correspondence with the City regarding the timing, utility capacity, and funding of the Mill Street reconstruction project is recommended

Workforce Data

30-Minute Drive




Total Businesses



60-Minute Drive




Total Businesses




Proximity to Highways

New Access Road connects the site to Southfield Freeway

1.7 miles to state highway M-85

2.2 miles to I-75

Proximity to Rail

Class I CN Railroad adjacent to the site

CN Ecorse yard is adjacent to the site

Correspondence with CN Railroad is required to understand site specific spur requirements

Proximity to Airports

9 miles to Grosse Ile Municipal Airport

10 miles to Detroit Metro Airport (Romulus, MI)

Document Library

Desktop Due Diligence Report

Site Maps

Demographic & Business Data

Workforce Profile

Marketing Flyer

Regional Overview

Site Contacts

Site Contact

Rhonda Miller

Economic Development Director

City of Ecorse


Phone: (313) 294-3708

County Contact

Dillon Rush

Business Development Manager

Wayne County


Phone: (313) 354-1826

Program Contact

Verified Industrial Properties program contact photo
Shannon Selby

Vice President of Real Estate