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Explore Vacant Industrial Properties

in the Detroit Region
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Featured Commercial and Industrial Real Estate

Silverbell Crossing

30 Acres

Silverbell Crossing is a 30.1-acre development ready site in Orion Township, MI primarily zoned for industrial use with additional acreage for retail uses. The property is well connected to infrastructure, with site access on M-24 and proximity to Interstate I-75. The site has been previously cleared and graded with storm water infrastructure in place. Wetland remediation was successfully completed in Fall 2020, and there are no floodplains present.

Huron Distribution Center

150 Acres

Huron Distribution Center is a 150-acre agricultural site in Huron Charter Township, with the plan to rezone to a Planned Unit Development District for greater flexibility and various types of development. The property is well-connected to infrastructure, with proximity to I-275, I-94, nearby Class 1 rail, and 3 miles to DTW.

Coldwater Road Industrial Land

118 Acres

Coldwater Road Industrial Land is a 118.27-acre industrial site located at 1245 E Coldwater Road in Genesee Township, north of the city of Flint, MI. The property is zoned for heavy industrial uses, is in proximity to I-475 and nearby Lake State Railway Company (LSRC) rail yard, and has an existing rail spur for direct connection to LSRC railway.

VIP by DRP is here to simplify

your site selection search.

Our database of verified industrial properties makes it easy for you to explore the 11-County Detroit Region and find the perfect site for your next industrial development project.

The Detroit Regional Partnership works with expert, third-party engineers to collect and verify information on the best vacant industrial properties in the Detroit Region. This verification process ensures that all due diligence is precise, accurate, and readily available—so you can start your search with confidence. Reach out today if you’re looking for industrial land for sale in Detroit and the surrounding region.

Map of the 11-County Detroit Region with Counties and Cities labeled

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Program Contact

Verified Industrial Properties program contact photo
Shannon Selby

Vice President of Real Estate